About Us

our story
We love our city. A few years ago, we began going to our downtown area on Friday nights to meet, encourage and support local businesses and people we met while we were there.
We decided to start a non-profit called City Connect for the purpose of connecting people together with the common goal of serving and supporting our city. We have a building that we are currently renovating to be used as a coffee shop and community center.
The coffee shop is a non-profit from which the proceeds are given directly back to our community center to help enhance the lives of the people in our city. It offers a relaxed environment for people to gather together and features local musicians and artists to help foster a sense of community and belonging in our area.
The community center is a place where people can come to work or study with free wifi. It features free life skills classes such as job interview skills, finance/banking and resume writing. lt also offers free classes that inspire creativity such as art, music and writing. It is an environment for people to connect with others who share common goals and interests.
behind the name
A long time ago there was a man named Moses who became the leader of an entire nation. He attempted to take care of every single thing all by himself. One day his father-in-law, Jethro, traveled from his country to see him. He observed all the work that Moses was doing and realized that there was no way Moses could accomplish everything by himself. Jethro said, “What you are doing is not good. The work is too much for you; you cannot handle it alone.” Moses listened to him and asked for help from people in his community. With that help, they were able to grow into a strong powerful nation that changed the world.
It is from this story, that we named Jethro's Coffee Company. We want to see our city prosperous, strong, and powerful, but know that it takes the entire community coming together for that to happen. Our hope is that through Jethro's Coffee Company we will be able to greatly impact our community by